Our Business

Provide Industrial Spare Part

Drilling Rig ,Mud pump , Cementing unit , Coiled Tubing , H2S Safety , Mud Logging & another Drilling Services.

Provide Drilling Rig Equipment

Connector , Bit , Jar, Fishing Tools , Mud Cleaning, Shaker Screen, Mud Hose, Explosion Proof, Safety & another Equipment.

Provide Material & Addatives

Cementing, Acidizing and Mud Materials.

About Tatwir

Tatwir Sanat Alteknolojia started its work in 2023 with the presence of oil industry experts in UAE. We are active in supplying equipment and materials. More than ten agencies in the oil and gas field.


Map icon Find us at the office

BurDubai Area, Dubai City, United Arab Emirates

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